Don't Wait Until It's Sore, Here Are 5 Natural Ways To Grow Dry Eyes

YOGYAKARTA Dry eyes or dry eyes, do not make it comfortable to move. The reason is, the eyes will feel sore, look red, and the sensation seems to be sand stuck. This dry eye condition is caused by the small glands inside and around the eyelids that do not produce enough tears to maintain moisture and clear vision.

Tears as a natural moisturizer, its job can help the eyes function properly and keep the surface of the eyes smooth, comfortable, and hydrated. In addition, tears also play a role in cleaning dust and dirt and protecting the eyes from infection. When the eyes feel very dry, don't wait to feel sore to treat them. Do the following dry eye moisturizing below.

Tears are made of oil, water, and mucus. The eyes need the three ingredients to stay moist and healthy. Inflamed and peeling eyeLASSes can clog oil maker's glands along the edges of the eyelids. This causes dry eyes, but can be overcome for a while in a simple way.

To loosen clogged oil and relieve irritation, you can compress it with a warm cloth. Before compressed, make sure the lap is clean and squeezed after being smeared with warm water. You can compress it for one minute. When compressing, press the edge slowly with your finger. This method helps remove clogged oil.

Looking at the computer limits the number of flashes per minute. This means that when you work in front of a computer, you need to blink more often to keep your eyes moist and prevent dry eyes. The recommendation, close your eyes every 20 minutes for 20 seconds. This simple trick, in addition to keeping your eyes moist, also needs to be followed by computer screen layout settings. It's better to set the screen below the height of your eyes so you don't need to open your eyes wide.

Salmon and tuna, for example, can also be sardines, taruts, Maceckerels that contain omega-3 fatty acids. This food, reported by WebMD, Wednesday, September 20, healthy fats in fish help oil-making glands work better. It also prevents and even relieves irritation if you experience it.

Every part of the body needs water to keep working normally. Drink water, also maintains moisture in the eyes. However, don't wait for your new thirst to drink water. Instead, try drinking 8-10 glasses throughout the day. If you don't like water, you can eat fruits that contain lots of water such as cucumber and watermelon.

Regulate the humidity of the room by adding a humidifier or filter. You can also put a pot filled with water near the heater or radiator. Filters that can be used are in the form of dust filters or other particles that can help prevent dry eyes.

That can be done as a way to moisturize dry eyes. It is important to know that wearing eye drops that are sold freely functions the same as tears. Better, first consult an eye doctor in order to get recommendations for drugs without preservatives and make up for safety in dealing with dry eyes.