What Is Toxic Leadership: Here's The Discussion And How To Handle It

YOGYAKARTA - The office is the second home for workers/employees. Therefore, the office atmosphere must be formed as comfortable as possible so that its residents are comfortable and able to create big works. The arrival of a qualified and good leader or superior must be the dream of each employee. Want to know what toxic leadership is?

Unfortunately, the perfect form of leadership is still a bit rare in the real world. What many are the forms of bosses who are thicker with the spirit of power and tend to rule in moving subordinates.

The boss's figure is not suitable for chairing office human resources with educational backgrounds. The approach to power will only create many wounds for those who work with their hearts. Because efficient HR management must be formed with the heart so that people are dedicated, willing to mobilize all their expertise and time to carry out their duties with the best quality.

If the condition of the working area is the opposite, due to bossy boss's behavior, so that there is no commitment between employees and industry, as well as the results given are also in the style of level, merely aborting the task or only worth the income given, nothing more.

Unlike the leader, the boss will not get a sincere nod from his subordinates when they rule, but a false respect, 'Ready boss'. Then what distinguishes the leader from the boss, here's a brief overview.

Launching from ANTARA, when discussing toxic leadership, this means the boss. The health website based in San Francisco, California, USA, Healthline Media, said that the toxic work environment, one of which (dominant) was caused by the ruling superior.

So what kind of 'toxic' boss can affect the work environment to become unhealthy? Maybe you can find the following characteristics in the reality in the world of work:

1. Sabotage. The boss doesn't want you to grow and develop in a good career. So he will not facilitate employees who are considered competitors to climb the ladder of his career by giving challenges and opportunities.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) expert Josua Iwan Wahyudi said the boss only wanted to use and use his team's performance to lift himself up to the top.

2. Microaggression, namely covert bullying by throwing suspicious words, accusing, underestimating or implying unfriendly attitudes.

3. Micro management. The boss gave the task, but did not trust the capabilities of his employees so he intervened at every stage of work.

4. Lack of respect arises because feeling themselves as bosses and employees are subordinates, not partners who are appreciated for their contribution in achieving the company's targets.

5. Convey criticism that is not constructive, because it is conveyed in a way and language that drops, sometimes even in front of the forum, thus embarrassing employees.

6. Minimum appreciation, because the boss has the principle that every employee must work optimally to achieve a certain target. That is their duty and obligation, and they have already been paid for it, so there is no need to be praised. On the other hand, the boss only focuses on the mistakes that occur.

7. Unsensitive leadership can hurt many employees' hearts due to the boss's behavior who does not yet have emotional maturity.

According to a recent MIT Sloan Management Review report, the culture in the workplace is toxic, more than 10 times causing employees to quit their jobs rather than low salary issues.

However, if exposure to toxicity only comes from the boss, not the overall work environment, actually employees may still survive.

The Handling Solution

There is no need to rush into despair and immediately decide to get out of work, if the problem is 'only' a toxic boss. Just think of it as a challenge and we can put out a defensive art move. Remember that the boss is not the only person you meet in the office, there are still many colleagues who are fun, sincere in supporting and entertaining us.

Build a solid friendship environment, so as not to feel alone, together they can share stories and frustrations with each other. The next step is to love the profession that we are involved in. With the power of love, the pain caused by external parties will not be felt, because we focus on working so that it produces inner satisfaction and pride in itself.

Then grateful, having a job especially in the fields we like, it's a gift. Even if sometimes tired of being involved in conflicts in the work environment, at least it's still better, because maybe a lot of unemployment out there is more tired of looking for work. Then, what is no less important and don't forget is to do self-healing by recreation.

In a day you spend at least 8 hours working or a third of a day. If the work environment is not healthy, it will certainly affect mental health. According to EQ expert Josua, a toxic leader can suck up the emotional energy of his work team.

So don't wait until it's crazy, take advantage of the time off to be happy and restore mental health.

So after knowing what a toxic leadership is, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!