Rejecting The Term Of Office Of Commander In Chief Extended, PDIP: Don't Let The TNI Be Led By Retirement

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR from the PDIP faction of Tubagus (TB) Hasanuddin rejected the discourse of extending the term of office of the TNI Commander sticking out after the existence of a retirement age lawsuit at the Constitutional Court (MK). Because according to him there needs to be regeneration at the helm of the TNI leadership. "The replacement of the TNI Commander is important for regeneration. Don't let the impression of the TNI being led by retirees," Hasanuddin to reporters, Tuesday, September 19. The West Java legislator explains, referring to Law 34/2004 Article 53 concerning the TNI which states that Soldiers carry out army service up to a maximum age of fifty-eight years for officers, and fifty-three years for non-commissioned and commanders. Regulated also in PP RI no 39/2010 concerning the Administration of TNI Soldiers, Article 21 (1) a. The term of binding of advanced service as referred to in Article 17 paragraph (1) letter b, for officers to the highest age of 58 years. In military organizations, said Hasanuddin, any change of leadership under any circumstances must still be carried out. "If a commander dies in a battle, the number of minutes must be immediately searched for his successor. Not safe, moreover, there is still a chief chief of TNI staff. So what needs to be done," explained the retired TNI officer. Even so, the PDIP politician said, an extension of the term of office of the TNI Commander can be carried out if a situation occurs in Article 60. Namely, "in the face of a state of emergency of the military and a state of war, every Volleya Soldier and Deputy Soldier who has ended up serving a soldier service can be required to be active again". An extension can indeed be carried out but in an emergency condition and this is in accordance with the law, "said Hasanuddin. Previously, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, admitted that he was ready if ordered if his term is extended. If ordered, Yudo in the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 13. It is known, Admiral Yudo Margono will enter retirement period in November 2023 and the late 58 years old. The discourse that blows, the position of the TNI Commander can be extended until he is 60 years old. The palace also

Even so, Yudo did not want to speculate about the issue of extending the term of office of the TNI Commander. Because he said, it is the prerogative of the President. "It is the prerogative of the president, what is clear is that I retired November 26 according to my age. If it is extended or not, of course, it is by the law and the prerogative of the President," said Yudo.