Jokowi: The Extension Of The Term Of Office Of The TNI Commander Is Still In Process

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said the discourse on extending the term of office of the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, was still in process."It's still in the process," said Joko Widodo briefly on the sidelines of his activities reviewing food at the Bali Mester Jatinegara Market, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, September 19.Previously, there was a discourse on extending the term of office of the TNI Commander following a lawsuit against the retirement age limit of TNI members to the Constitutional Court.Chairman of Commission I of the House of Representatives Meutya Hafid said the option was indeed open but he invited the government to review it.Meanwhile, TNI Commander Yudo, who will retire in November 2023, stated that the extension of the term of office of the TNI Commander is the prerogative of the president.
Apart from Yudo Margono, Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman will also enter retirement age in November 2023. There is also a discourse on extending the term of office for the Army Chief of Staff.