Amigdala Personnel Asked To Change Band Name By Former Vocalist

JAKARTA - The issue of the name of the band and its former personnel is back in the Indonesian music industry. This time, Amigdala had to deal with Aya Canina, a former vocalist.

Aya Canina, who left the band in August 2020, asked former bandmates and new personnel not to use the name Amigdala anymore.

According to his confession, Aya herself gave the name Amigdala. Together with Isa Elfasya (vocal 2 and guitar), he claimed to be the initial member who formed the band.

"The Amigdala was created in December 2016 by me and Isa. The one who sparked the name Amigdala was myself," said Aya Canina at Pati Unus, South Jakarta on Thursday, September 14.

Aya Canina's request was strengthened by Isa's release in 2021.

With no more initial personnel, Aya sees that the new personnel do not have the right to use the name Amigdala as their band name.

"The release of Isa and I became the absence of copyright holders and brands from the song and name of Amigdala," said Aya Canina.

"I don't know how the people in the band still perform songs and use the name Amigdala," he continued.

Aya Canina admitted that she had sent a subpoena to her former colleague, but was ignored. He also claims to be the owner of the Amigdala brand.

"This is my last resort because I have used their subpoena, but it has not been heeded," said Aya Canina.

"What is clear is that I ask that the name Amigdala be no longer used. This is because I have legality, because the legality of the name of Amigdala belongs to me," he concluded.