Prabowo's Presidential Candidate Will Get Support From Thousands Of Kiai And Santri In East Java

The Presidential Candidate (Capres) Prabowo Subianto received support from thousands of kiai and students of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in East Java in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

East Java Coordinator Bermunajat, KH Ma'ruf Mubarok in a written statement in Surabaya, Tuesday, said the support was conveyed at an event entitled "East Java Blasphems for H. Prabowo Sovereign Leader and People's Officers at the An Nur 2 Al Murtadlo Islamic Boarding School, in Malang, Monday (11/9).

"The people of East Java together with religious scholars, kiai, nyai mothers, students unite steps, intend with sincere intentions istiqomah fight, strive, berijtihad win Prabowo to become President in 2024-2029 through the 2024 presidential election," said Gus Mamak. his nickname was reported by ANTARA.

He stated that this support was given to Prabowo because he wanted to see Indonesia become more advanced and blessed from now on. Gus Mamak added that the leadership of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi needed a successor who had guts, strong character, a unifying figure and was close to the kyai, scholars and students.

"We all decided to provide support to Mr. Prabowo Subianto because he wants to see Indonesia become more advanced and more blessed than it is today," he said.

"President Jokowi's leadership requires a successor who has guts, has strong character, is a unifying figure and is close to kiai, ulama, habaib and santri," added Gus Mamak.

According to him, Prabowo's closeness to the kiai, habaib and alim ulama cannot be doubted. Not only that, Prabowo is also the most sincere figure and has been proven by becoming a minister in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

In addition, he continued, Prabowo is also believed to have the capacity to become the next Indonesian leader because it is istiqomah to kindness, respect for kiai and care for the people. This is a strong reason for thousands of students along with hundreds of kiai and their mothers to provide their support to Prabowo ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

The event entitled East Java Bermunajat was attended by hundreds of kiai in East Java including the leader of the Salafiyah An-Nur Ridlolloh Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) KH Moh Khasan Rifai, the Head of Darussalam Bayu Islamic Boarding School KH Akhsin Kamil Ibrahin.

Head of Ndresmo Islamic Boarding School Surabaya KH Achmad Nasrochuddin, Head of Ponpes Minatur Rohman KH Khozin, Head of Ponpes Al Istiqomah KH Faisol, Head of Ponpes Abu Dzarrin KH MN Ulum, Head of Darussalam Islamic Boarding School Tegal Rejo KH Arjun Khan, Head of Ponpes Miftahul Ulum 02 KH Fathussur. AR, Head of Ponpes Al Fallah KH Imam Nawawi, Head of Ponpes Alhasyimi KH Taufiq Jamhur.

Then, the Head of the As-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School An-Nahdliyah KH Guslik An-Namiri, the Head of the TPQ Islamic Boarding School Rodlotul Qur'an KH Imron Rosyadi, the Head of the Al Aufaq Islamic Boarding School KH Khoirul Wafa, the Head of the Darul Huda Islamic Boarding School KH Nushi Albazi, the Head of the PPAI Islamic Boarding School Darussalam KH Nur Fuad, the Head of the Al Fatah Islamic Boarding School KH Abu Said.

Finally, the Head of the Hidayatul Mubtadiin Islamic Boarding School KH M Sodik, the Head of Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School Al Asyhar KH Asyhari, the Head of Al Munawwaroh Islamic Boarding School KH Bisri, the Head of the Miftahul Ulum Islamic Boarding School RU IV KH Ahmad Biyadi, the Head of Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic Boarding School KH Faiz Abdul Haq Zaini and the Head of the Kanzus Sholawat Islamic Boarding School Krasaan Probolinggo KH Arif.