Buru Health Office Reports Former Acting Kadinkes Regarding Alleged Medical Device Corruption To Maluku Police

The Buru District Health Office (Dinkes) has officially reported a case of alleged corruption in the medical device procurement budget (alkes) worth Rp9.61 billion sourced from the 2021 general allocation fund (DAU) to the Maluku Regional Police.

"I as the lawyer for the Buru Regency Government accompanying the Head of the BuruJulianis Regency Health Office, Rahim, today has submitted an official report to the Maluku Regional Police regarding the case," said the lawyer for the Buru Jidon Batmomolin Regency Government, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 12.

What was reported were the former Head of the Buru Health Office with the initials IU, ARW as PPTK, the expenditure treasurer with the initials AW, and JS as the Head of the Planning Subdivision at the Buru District Health Office.

This alleged corruption report was also accompanied by the submission of a number of important documents closely related to the project.

According to him, the submission of a number of important documents could be used as a guide for the development of the case investigation.

"The alleged state financial loss of around Rp. 3 billion is known after the Director of PT. STP submitted a letter requesting disbursement of the project budget to the Regent of Buru dated June 23, 2023," said Jidon.

The Mini Central Oxygen System procurement project at the Buru Regency Office is handled by PT. STP with contract agreement number 01/PPK/SP-Alkes/Dinkes-KB/VI/2021.

For the initial stage work by PT. STP in the form of procurement of six medical equipment units has been carried out but the proposed disbursement of the first budget of around Rp. 1.58 billion was canceled by budget users on the grounds that there were no funds.

However, strangely, there was a disbursement of more than Rp. 3 billion in funds by budget users to Al Akbar Aqil N. Sunarto as Director of CV. MJ, which has nothing to do with the 2021 medical equipment procurement project.

"The disbursement of the more than Rp3 billion budget is also without a power of attorney for disbursement from the management of PT. STP, so it is strongly suspected that there are indications of a game between the Acting Kadinkes and the CV. MJ," said Jidon.