Murder Of Elderly In Tangsel Triggered By Debt With 100 Percent Interest, Victim Collects While Disposing Of Neighbors
TANGERANG Nirwansyah (23), a young man in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, is in the Pondok Aren Police cell. He underwent legal proceedings as a result of his actions, killing Anik Patmawati (51), the mother of his close friend.
According to police statement, Nirwansyah planned the murder because he was hurt, had already paid his debt but was still being billed by the victim.
Nirwansyah carried a burden because he had to pay his debt of Rp. 500 thousand with a 100 percent interest. However, Nirwan is said to have paid the principal of the debt of Rp. 500 thousand. He still has arrears of Rp. 500 thousand to the victim.
The police, based on the examination of the perpetrators, Nirwansyah felt frustration and hurt because she was often abused because she had not paid the rest of her debt.
"(The debt) is Rp. 500 thousand with an interest of Rp. 500 thousand. According to the information (the perpetrator) has already been paid Rp. 500 thousand," Victor said when confirmed, Sunday, September 10, evening.
Cacian Anik Patmawati made Nirwansyah emotional so that she planned a murder.
"The suspect felt hurt because the victim collects debts with large interest rates and insults," he said.
Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho said the perpetrators would be charged with premeditated murder. This is based on the investigation report (BAP).
"The article applied to Article 340 (KUHP) junto 338 carries the death penalty or life imprisonment," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 9.
Victor explained the reason why the perpetrator was charged with the article. The article, the perpetrator has been proven to have carried a sharp weapon (sajam) type knife from his house to kill the victim.
"According to information from the suspect, it has been prepared from the start that the suspect entered the house. It has been prepared that the direction is planned to go there," he said