Maximum Headset Volume Limit: Here's The Discussion

YOGYAKARTA - Observing music with headsets has become the practice of various groups recently. Moreover, the policy of studying and working at home during this pandemic has made workers and students use headsets more often for a long time. Want to know the maximum limit of headset volume?

Although this equipment can help you listen to online meetings or learn better, the use of headsets cannot be arbitrary. The reason is, listening to music is very loud in the long duration of each day it can cause a person to face serious hearing loss.

How can listening to loud sounds interfere with hearing?

Launching from AI-Care, using a headset can help You hear the source of sound from a laptop or other music players more clearly. But if the volume of sound heard through the headset is very loud, so this matter will be at risk of causing hearing problems.

Indra, human hearing is very sensitive to the balancing of the sound he receives. On the inner ear there are thousands of ear cells, some of which have structures that are similar to small fibers, play a role in sending sound signals from the ears back to the brain for further processing. This is where the brain will translate the sound you hear.

When a person observes a very loud sound and for a long time, the hair cells in the ears will be damaged and fail to send sound signals to the brain. The path of signal delivery between hair cells and nerve cells can also be damaged, thus disrupting the transmission of sound to the brain even though hair cells are always normal. In other words, listening to very loud sounds in a long duration can cause hearing loss.

Although the habit of hearing loud noises when using headsets seems dangerous, the use of headsets is not the only factor that triggers hearing loss. This condition is also influenced by other factors such as:

Reporting from WHO, the safe volume limit for us to listen to everyday is 85 decibels (dBs). As a benchmark, as quoted from the CDC, the whispering sound is 30 dB. In addition, the normal voice of the conversation is 60 dB, the sound of traffic that is heard from inside the car 80-85 dB, and the sound of the engine of the motorcycle is 95 dB.

Maximum sound levels on very loud personal, radio and television instruments, noise at concerts and nightclubs can reach 105-110 dB. If you are too often exposed to loud noises above the safe sound limit of 85 dB, then you can risk loss of hearing in a short time.

How long is the limit on hearing loud noises?

In addition to the volume of sound, the duration of listening to sound is also a risk factor for hearing impairment. Reporting from the Harvard Health page, a person can listen to a voice with an average exposure of 85 dB for 8 hours. But if you listen to the sound above that level using a headset, experts recommend listening to it no more than an hour.

Tips for listening to safe music

You certainly don't want to lose hearing just because you have the habit of listening to music with everyday headsets. To prevent further ear damage due to listening to loud noises, you can try the following tips:

1. Aware of the volume and duration when listening to music or loud sounds

2. Use a headset only about one hour per day

3. Limit the volume of sound to a maximum of 60% of the maximum volume that the headset can play.

4. Choose a headset that has noise damping technology and has an ergonomic form to make it comfortable to use for a long time.

Listening to music through the headset is indeed fun. However, this habit should not endanger your hearing in the long term. If you experience hearing loss, you should immediately check with the THT doctor so that you can get treatment immediately.

So after knowing the maximum volume headset limit, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!