Sunat Dana Desa Rp900 Million, Kades Gamel NTB Diperiksa Kejari

PRAYA - The District Attorney's Office (Kejari) of Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province, examined the Head of Gemel Village, Jonggat District, with the initials MR (39) related to the alleged corruption case of misappropriation of village funds (ADD) and village funds (DD) 2019-2022.

"Today we are examining the Head of Gemel Village," said Central Lombok Prosecutor Dwi Dutha Arie, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 6.

In addition to examining the Head of Gemel Village, he said, his party examined several village officials and partners who carried out development programs in the village.

"For the number of witnesses who have been examined in the alleged corruption case that cost the state Rp900 million as many as 20 people," he explained.

"The status of this case is still under investigation, so this examination is carried out to clarify the findings of the state losses," he said.

The next process is determined after there are exposure results that will be carried out after carrying out clarifications to all witnesses so that at this time the determination of the suspect has not been carried out because it is still under investigation.

"This case has been handled at the Central Lombok Kejari Pidsus. After going up to the investigation, then a suspect can be determined," he said.

Previously, the Central Lombok District Attorney stated that based on the report on the results of the examination (LHP) that had been carried out by the Central Lombok Inspectorate, an indication of a loss in the Gemel Village Fund Budget, Jonggat District reached Rp900 million.

"Indications of the loss of the alleged corruption case of the Head of Gemel Village Rp900 million during his four years in office," said Head of Intelligence at the Central Lombok District Attorney's Office, Agung Putra.

The Inspectorate of Central Lombok Regency has submitted the results of the LHP for the misuse of the Gemel Village Fund to the Central Lombok District Attorney.

"The next process is the case file for the alleged misappropriation of the Gemel Village Fund, we submit it to the Central Lombok Kejari Special Crime Investigator (Pidsus)," he said.