Breaking Up With The Coalition Of Change, Democratic Party Lirik Ganjar
JAKARTA - The Coalition for Change for Unity broke out after announcing Muhaimin Iskandar as a vice presidential candidate who would accompany Anies Baswedan. As a consequence, the Democratic Party officially revoked its support for Anies Baswedan.
The breaking of this coalition is illustrated by the decline in all Anies billboards installed across the country as well as the removal of videos of support for Anies on social media used by the party bearing the Mercy Star symbol.
On Monday morning, September 4, the DPP Democrat Party was crowded with hundreds of cadres and DPP administrators who gathered to discuss further political steps. At 10.00 WIB, the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), entered the DPP page. Thirty minutes later, hundreds of DPP administrators entered the Yudhoyono hall to attend the plenary meeting.
The internal plenary meeting of the Democratic Party lasted for 74-five minutes. The results of this meeting confirmed the political steps that the Democrats would take in the next 6 weeks. Although there were plans to form a new axis, this was considered ineffective given the limited time. Finally, the Democrats decided to join the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates who were deemed certain to win the contest.
Deputy for Strategy and Policy of the Democratic Party's DPP, Yan Harahap, said, "The political communication team will also soon be drawn up to negotiate political negotiations with the two coalitions that carry Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto. Statements of official support from the Democrats are still waiting for directions from the Chairman of the Upper House of the Democratic Party, namely Pak SBY." said Yan.
PDIP's Response
In the world of politics, as stated by Yan, any possibility can occur, including the Democratic Party's decision to form a coalition with the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). This is a very likely possibility considering that PDIP has been the ruling party for two terms. Yan also emphasized that the Democratic Party will choose a party that is not a hassle in terms of presidential election requirements and will wait for directions from Pak SBY before making a final decision.
AHY, wearing the Democratic Party blue uniform, is happy to walk with dozens of party core officials and is preparing to give an official statement regarding Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar's declaration. In his statement, AHY congratulated Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar who had just been announced as pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates.
AHY emphasized that the disappointment of Democratic Party cadres was caused by a unilateral decision. They feel that so far, all cadres across the country have struggled to support Anies, and the Democratic Party's struggle has been hurt.
Herman Khaeron, Chairman of the Organizational, Cadreization and Membership Development Agency (BPOKK) of the Democratic Party DPP, also revealed that the political communication process involved several stages, including the possibility of a coalition with PDIP. Herman said that communication with PDIP was still ongoing, and he hoped that in the end, the meeting between SBY and Megawati could be realized if fate wanted it.
PDIP Secretary General, Hasto Kristiyanto, responded to the discourse of a meeting between Megawati and SBY by saying that currently PDIP is focusing on forming a national winning team for Ganjar Pranowo. He explained that all agendas with other political parties were still waiting for directions and involved several stages.
Meanwhile, a political observer from Paramadina University, Djayadi Hanan, assessed that the figure of Muhaimin Iskandar could expand Anies' appeal in the eyes of moderate Islamic voters. Although the majority of Anies voters today are conservatives, by choosing Muhaimin Iskandar as vice presidential candidate, Anies' position is increasingly unprofitable. In addition, the sharp statement from the cadres of the Democratic Party and the chairman of the Democratic Party's High Council, SBY, who called Anies a figure who likes to break his promise, also had an impact.
A politician from the Nasdem Party, Ahmad Syahroni, who was about to report SBY to Bareskrim, submitted a request for a commotion regarding the declaration of Anies' vice presidential candidate to be stopped. He argues that AHY may not have been elected because it has not yet become his destiny to become Anies' representative.
Anies Talks About Differences In Nasdem And Democrats
With its distinctive style, Anies Baswedan seeks to explain the polemic that arose as a result of the declaration of a vice presidential candidate that fell to Muhaimin Iskandar and caused the Democratic Party to leave the Change Coalition for Unity.
Before starting his explanation, Anies expressed great respect for Pak SBY as a role model who had served as president for two terms. According to Anies, everything that happened was a decree from Allah SWT.
Anies explained that over the past three days, there have been differences of opinion within the internal coalition that supports him as a presidential candidate. According to Anies, this difference is related to a request from the Democratic Party for the coalition to announce the vice presidential candidate which will be carried out before September 3, while the National Democratic Party (Nasdem) wants the announcement to be made later.
"On August 28, there was a difference of views that could no longer be agreed upon by Team 8. In fact, until an incident occurred where someone hit the table due to statements deemed inappropriate. This difference began in June between Nasdem and Democrats. I said that of all the options available, the only candidate for vice president available was AHY. I conveyed it to Mr. Surya Paloh, and he did not refuse, but he stated that this is an option that will be discussed later, not now. PKS and Democrats really understand that AHY is an existing choice. Mr. Surya Paloh said that we will discuss it after I return from Hajj, "said Anies Baswedan, as quoted from the video in Mata Najwa.
Anies added that after returning from the hajj, the Democratic Party asked Anies to immediately announce his vice presidential candidate to the public. According to Anies, the difference between the Democratic Party and Nasdem reached its peak on Tuesday, August 29.
"The peak occurred on Tuesday afternoon. I went before Pak SBY and said what it was, namely that Nasdem does not want to announce it now. I also honestly informed Pak Surya Paloh that the Democrats are preparing to leave the coalition if the declaration is not made immediately. I hope that Allah will give us all instructions. I send this message to all parties at 22.00 WIB," explained Anies Baswedan.
Anies continued by saying that Pak SBY did not reject AHY as a vice presidential candidate, but he wanted this not to be announced now. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party requested that the vice presidential candidate they voted for be announced immediately. During a meeting with SBY on Friday night, the sixth president mentioned a declaration date.
"He asked that the declaration be made before the 3rd. After the meeting, I told all those present that we should not mention that date. The reason is that if that does not happen, then we will not protect Pak SBY's good name," Anies added.