The Ministry Of Industry Will Expand Supervision Areas To Suppress Gas Emissions In The Industrial Sector

JAKARTA - The government continues to strive to improve air quality in the Jabodetabek area.

The air pollution that is currently happening in Jabodetabek, especially in the capital city, is caused by various things, one of which is the industrial sector. The industrial sector is said to be a contributor to pollution due to exhaust emissions issued.

Therefore, rules for controlling exhaust emissions need to be made. The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) itself has issued Circular (SE) of the Minister of Industry Number 2 of 2023 concerning Reporting on Control of Industrial Sector Disposal Gas Emissions in the DKI Jakarta Province, West Java Province, and Banten Province.

The Director General of Resilience, Region and International Industrial Access (Dirjen KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry Eko S. A. Cahyanto said, actively the Ministry of Industry will help control exhaust emissions and at the same time of course help how to improve air quality.

"Actually (controlling gas emissions) is not only in the Jabodetabek area, but in all areas where there is industrial concentration there. We have several industrial concentrations, especially the concentration of heavy industries in the Bekasi, Karawang, Purwakarta areas, then in Tangerang Raya to Serang, including in the Cilegon area and its surroundings," said Eko at the Augus Industrial Trust Index (IKI) Press Conference in Jakarta, Thursday, August 31.

Eko said, in addition to the three regions above, the concentration of large enough industries in various parts of Indonesia made the Ministry of Industry consider expanding the area of supervision of industrial activities that have the potential to produce emissions.

"When it comes to the circular itself, we hope that every week we can get better, more accurate data. So, in the short term, we can make policies that help improve air quality in the three provinces," he added.

For your information, the Ministry of Industry has issued Circular (SE) of the Minister of Industry Number 2 of 2023 concerning Control of Industrial Sector Disposal Gas Emissions in the Provinces of DKI Jakarta, West Java, and Banten, recently.

This instruction was issued to mitigate the impact of air pollution in the Jabodetabek area.

This circular must also be implemented by each industry in the relevant region starting Thursday, August 31, 2023. This circular will take effect on August 25-December 31, 2023.