Online Gambling Promotion Sanctions: New Influencers Must Read So They Don't Regret It Later!

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police said that public figures who were caught promoting online gambling web could be charged under the ITE Law with a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison.

This was directly informed by the Director of Cyber Crime at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Adi Vivid Bachtiar in response to the rampant promotion of online gambling webs by several public figures.

"AFFECTed by influencer problems, the ITE Law can apply Article 45 paragraph 2 Juncto 27 paragraph 2. With a threat of 6 years in prison and a fine of approximately Rp. 1 billion," he said at a press conference, August 30.

Launching from several sources, Vivid emphasized that public figures to influencers no longer participate in promoting online gambling webs to their followers. Especially now that many residents have become victims and are addicted to online gambling.

"I have firmly said to influencers, artists, celebrities, to stop currently promoting online gambling," he said.

"Because there are a lot of victims, many people fall into poverty, many women used to apologize for finally selling themselves so they can make money for online gambling," he added.

Vivid said the National Police had instructed regional officials to take action against influencers who were still promoting online gambling. He recommended that influencers promote good things that do not violate the provisions.

"Already in some areas that take action against it and we will not stop. We as function supervisors have distributed instructions and directions to the regions, if we find influencers of firm action again," he explained.

First Bareskrim admitted that he would summon actress Wulan Guritno and several other public figures who were involved in promoting online gambling web.

Vivid said the call was sent in the aftermath of a promotional video that Wulan tried to go viral on social media again. He explained that in the call investigators would later clarify Wulan's intentions and goals in his promotional video.

In addition, investigators will also see whether there are criminal factors that are trying to be linked to online gambling web promotions.

"Among the problems of WG (Wulan Guritno) artists, after being traced it was made in 2020. For the website, it still exists," he explained.

"This means that we will carry out clarification, we will call the person concerned as previously informed, we will see if the elements are fulfilled or not," he continued.

Not only Wulan Guritno, Vivid said that his group would also summon other public figures who were recorded as contributing to promoting online gambling web. He emphasized that the National Police would take action against public figures who were proven to have committed criminal violations of the distribution of the video.

"There is information in us, what is clear is that yesterday's viral has been monitored by us. That's why we urge you not to let it happen again, it's enough yesterday.

Vivid confirmed that clarification calls will also be made against public figures who have promoted online gambling webs in recent years.

"We just have to observe if the old website incident is no longer operating, we will always call again. We urge again, but this has become a record if he had endorsed gambling in the past. Of course we will have a classification which is still active, or not," he said.

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