Police Hunt For 13 Youth Rape Perpetrators In East Aceh

BANDA ACEH - The East Aceh Resort Police chased 13 of the 16 alleged perpetrators of the rape of a 16-year-old girl that occurred in early August 2023.

East Aceh Police Chief AKBP Andy Rahmansyah said of the 16 alleged perpetrators of forced assault or rape, three of them have been arrested. Of the three alleged perpetrators, one of them is still a minor.

"An alleged perpetrator of the file has entered phase two, while the two perpetrators are still being held at the East Aceh Police Headquarters. Meanwhile, 13 other suspected perpetrators are still being chased," Andy said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

The police chief explained that the rape incident began on Saturday, August 5, 2023, at around 20.00 WIB, the victim's initials LI was picked up by a minor.

"Until midnight, the victim had not returned home, causing concern from his family. When contacted by cell phone, the victim answered that he would return home soon," Andy said.

However, until the next day the victim had not yet returned home, so the family looked for him. The family received news that the victim was secured with two of his friends.

Receiving the news, the victim's parents immediately rushed to pick them up. Based on the victim's confession, he and his friend who picked him up had sex like husband and wife.

"Not only the friend who picked him up, 15 other people also did the same thing to the victim. From this confession, the victim's family reported to the East Aceh Police. The family also handed over the perpetrator who picked up the victim," said the Police Chief.

From the report, the police conducted an investigation and arrested two other perpetrators with the initials RE (19) and MU (24), while 13 other suspected perpetrators are still being searched and chased.

"The perpetrators are suspected of violating Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law with a threat of 200 lashes and/or imprisonment for a maximum of 200 months or a fine of 1,500 grams of pure gold," said the Police Chief.