Wacana Tangerang Raya Ganjil Even Demi Cegah Pollusi, Pemkot Rakor Dengan Pengelola Transportasi
TANGERANG - The Tangerang City Government (Pemkot) is still waiting for technical rules or instructions (juknis) regarding the odd-even expansion plan to the Tangerang Raya area.
Tangerang Mayor Arief R Wismansyah said the effort was in the context of handling air pollution.
"For the odd-even implementation, the Tangerang City Government is still waiting for the legal basis from the Ministry of Transportation. As soon as everything is well prepared, we will socialize and implement it," he said in Tangerang, Wednesday, August 30, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said the Tangerang City Government had also followed up on the directives by holding coordination meetings involving various related parties, such as the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency, and the Provincial Transportation Service.
"Because the direction is the agglomeration of Greater Tangerang, everything is synergized in order to reduce joint pollution, namely making odd-even in the Greater Tangerang area," he said.
He hopes that the community can also play an active role in the problem of handling air pollution. By using environmentally friendly vehicles or maximizing existing mass transportation.
"So hopefully whatever the results we will convey to the community, but of course the community must also play a role in tackling pollution by ensuring that their vehicles pass emission standards and also use public transportation, do reforestation and do not burn waste," said Mayor Arief.