Police Arrest 22 Suspects Of Criminal Perpetrators In Bangkalan

BANGKALAN - Bangkalan Police, East Java, arrested 22 suspects of criminal acts in community disease operations which were held in a month.

"The suspects we have arrested are perpetrators of criminal acts out of 20 cases consisting of drug cases and other criminal acts," said Bangkalan Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

Of the 20 cases, 12 cases were handled directly by the Bangkalan Police, while eight cases were by the ranks of the police.

A total of 17 suspects by the Bangkalan Police Narcotics Unit. Meanwhile, five other suspects were by the Bangkalan Police Criminal and Investigation Unit (Reskrim).

The narcotics abuse case was revealed in the 2023 drug tumpas operation for the period 14 to 25 August.

During the operation, officers secured 43.46 grams of evidence of methamphetamine.

"The criteria for the alleged dealer of six suspects and the users of 11 suspects. Of all the 43.46 grams of crystal methamphetamine cases, they were confiscated," he explained.

Meanwhile, the criminal cases that were successfully uncovered included the theft of a motorized vehicle (curanmor) in one case and the durian with a weight of four cases.

"Curanmor of the evidence is in the form of a Yamaha Vixion unit, this motorbike will be returned directly to the owner," said Febri.

Meanwhile, stealing includes theft of livestock, cell phones, valuables and public street lighting batteries (PJU).

The criminal suspect was charged with Article 363 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code concerning theft by weight with a maximum penalty of 9 years in prison.

Police Chief AKBP Febri Isman Jaya explained the success of officers in arresting the perpetrators of the crime in large quantities, thanks to the help of all elements of society.

"Therefore, we really hope for the active role of the community in helping to maintain the security of each other's environment, especially informing events in the field, so that we can immediately move quickly to the field," he said.