Bandung City Government-Siliwangi Kodam Looking For Alternative Emergency TPA

BANDUNG - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) has stated that it will coordinate with Kodam III Siliwangi in an effort to find alternative land for temporary waste disposal sites (TPA), while waiting for the normal Sarimukti TPA.

This was done by the Bandung City Government, because the land for the Central Armed Forces (Pussenkav) in Padalarang, West Bandung Regency, which was previously explored, could not be utilized.

"We have received an explanation from the Pussenkav Commander Major General TNI Muhammad Zamroni, so the land cannot be used. We also cannot force it, the next step I will try to go to the Siliwangi Military Commander for alternatives," said the Daily Executive (Plh) of the Mayor of Bandung, Ema Sumarna, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

Ema admitted that he had coordinated with the Bandung City Dandim Colonel Donny Ismuali Bainuri to schedule a meeting between the Bandung City Government team and the Siliwangi Military Commander Maj. Gen. Erwin Djatniko regarding this waste emergency.

If later Kodam III Siliwangi gives the green light, Ema said garbage from Bandung City will be sent partially to the agreed location.

"That's also if allowed, basically we just try to make efforts," he said.

To deal with the current waste problem, related to the closure of the Sarimukti TPA due to a fire, Ema said that her party was carrying out a waste distribution pattern to anticipate the accumulation of waste in the city of Bandung.

Substitutions carried out from the location of the excessive Waste Disposal Site (TPS) will be shifted to polling stations which are still sufficient to accommodate garbage collections, such as in Tegallega, Babakan Siliwangi, Ciwastra, Sekelimus, Ujungberung, and Ence Azis.

Another effort taken by the Bandung City Government is to urge every citizen to carry out waste management through the activities of Kang Pisman (Kurangi, Separate, and Use Waste), namely separating organic waste.

"A separate organic waste is then processed into compost, magotization, biodigester, or others. Separate inorganic waste can be deposited into the Waste Bank or waste alms," said Ema.

For the scale of the Rukun Warga (RW) area, it is hoped that it will start implementing Waste-Free Areas (KBS). As for Management Areas such as commercial and office activities, both government and non-government offices, it is mandatory to manage waste independently, so that only residual waste needs to be disposed of to the TPS.

"There will be arrangements for waste transportation services in Commercial and office Management/Manpowering Areas. Satpol PP will also supervise and enforce the law for violators of the rules for littering," he said.