Komjak Values AGO's Order To Postpone Handling Cases Of Presidential And Vice Presidential Candidates-Caleg Evidence Of Neutrality In The 2024 Election

Chairman of the Prosecutor's Commission, Barita Simanjuntak, assessed that the order issued by the Attorney General's Office regarding the postponement of the investigation stage examination and investigation of presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) is a form of neutrality.Not only that, the postponement of the examination also applies to candidates for legislative members and candidates for regional heads who will compete in the 2024 General Election. Starting from the process set, the nomination is complete."So it actually reflects neutrality so as not to be drawn into political territory. Because there is a priority now to secure the constitutional agenda, namely the democratic party, it must not be disturbed," said Barita when contacted from Jakarta, Saturday, August 26.Barita added that all ranks in the adhyaksa corps are to be careful and professional in the midst of the ongoing political agenda."All the prosecutor's duties are also to secure constitutional agendas and democratic parties, maintain neutrality. That is what is instructed to be careful and careful," he explained.Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin previously said that the ranks of the Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence and Special Crimes had postponed the investigation into the investigation stage as well as the investigation of presidential candidates, vice presidential candidates, legislative members and regional head candidates.The purpose of delaying is to anticipate hidden indications of a black Campaign nature, which is an obstacle to the creation of elections that comply with the principles and provisions of legislation.
"This is done to anticipate the use of the law enforcement process as a practical political tool by certain parties," said Attorney General ST Burhanuddin, Sunday, August 20, 2023.