Jambi Police Seizes Methamphetamine Worth IDR 1.5 Billion

Jambi Police's Narcotics Directorate confiscated 1.18 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine worth Rp1.5 billion from the disclosure of narcotics abuse cases in the area since early August 2023.

"From this disclosure, five perpetrators were arrested based on three police reports," said KBO Ditresnarkoba Jambi Police AKBP Nukmansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, August 25.

He explained that the perpetrator LZ who was arrested in Petaling, Sungai Gelam, Muaro Jambi, the police confiscated 24.720 grams of methamphetamine.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators RN, KR and RW of the police confiscated 196.432 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 1.129 grams of marijuana. The three were arrested by the police in the West Ring Road, Simpang Rimbo, Jambi City.

Meanwhile, the police HR perpetrator confiscated 963.934 grams of crystal methamphetamine after arresting the suspect in Merlung, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency.

As for the total value of the methamphetamine, if one gram of crystal methamphetamine gets an economic value of Rp. 1.3 million, the total value of the confiscated methamphetamine is Rp. 1.54 billion.

The Jambi Regional Police stated that efforts to eradicate narcotics need to be carried out massively and this is not only the responsibility of law enforcers, but also requires the participation of the community, local governments and other stakeholders to campaign for the dangers of drugs.

The Jambi Regional Police also continues to take various steps to narrow the space for drug trafficking, such as forming an anti-drug village and other efforts aimed at preventing narcotics abuse.