Getting To Know The Live Shopping Trend On TikTok, Billions Of Cuan Sources For MSMEs

The trend of live shopping on TikTok is being loved by MSME players. How not, the live shopping on TikTok was proven to generate billions of dollars.

In fact, live shopping allows real-time interaction between sellers and buyers. Recent live shopping replaces the habit of direct shopping both in the market and in physical stores.

Live shopping is chosen because of its wide reach. Live shopping can be accessed by viewers around the world. Of course, this is very different from direct shopping which is limited to the store's physical location.

In practice, live shopping also offers flexibility. Thus, shopping can be done from anywhere and anytime.

"Just use digital devices and connect with the internet, you can buy all the items you want," said Jessica from the SCGI Agency.

Live Shopping Trends On TikTok

Of the many platforms, live shopping on TikTok is claimed to be the most popular online shopping media. Live shopping on TikTok Gives users the opportunity to see the products exhibited by content creators in real time.

If you want to do a live shopping on TikTok, we recommend doing live at least 1 time a day with a duration of two to four hours. During the live shopping on TikTok, there will be a yellow basket icon located next to the left to see the product being sold.

"In addition to good interaction with the audience, don't forget to offer the best promo during the live shopping," said Jessica

Well, the following are a number of live shopping benefits on TikTok which are claimed to be able to generate billions of rupiah as quoted from the SCGI Agency.

1. Improve effective and flexible sales and marketing. 2. Can reach wider consumers at minimal.3. Increase followers and viewers.4. Build a good relationship with potential consumers.5. Build brand awareness.6. Create a new and different experience for buyers.

Those are a number of live shopping benefits on TikTok. If you have difficulty marketing strategies in improving brand awareness and sales, let's consult with an experienced SCGI Agency and have become the Official TikTok Shop and MNC Partner.