Head Of Poverty Handling Of The Prabumulih Social Service Of South Sumatra Becomes A Suspect Of E-Warong Corruption At The Coordinating Ministry

The Prosecutor's Office has named a woman with the initials MS as the Head of Poverty Management at the Prabumulih Social Service as a suspect in the alleged corruption case in the management of Warung Gotong Royong (e-Warong) Electronics from the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos).

"After conducting a series of investigations into the alleged corruption case of e-Warung from the Ministry of Social Affairs to beneficiary families (KPM) in non-cash form through the Prabumulih City Social Service (Dinsos) for the 2020-2022 fiscal year," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Prabumulih District Attorney (Kejari) Muhammad Ridho Saputra in his statement in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Tuesday, August 22, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that there were 16 e-Warongs that distributed as many as 9,000 beneficiaries in the program.

"If every person who receives the assistance receives Rp. 200 thousand, then the funds disbursed in one year reach more than Rp. 21 billion for this non-cash assistance program for the poor," said Ridho.

He added that the suspect MS was suspected of forming a cooperative. Then, the cooperative money should have been used for e-Warung beneficiaries, but he received approximately Rp90 million in cash.

"In addition, there are also receipts in the form of deposits of around Rp. 300 million and we cannot mention other receipts, because they are under investigation," he said.

In addition, Ridho said that his party is also still developing the suspect MS.

Suspect MS is subject to Article 8 or 9 or 12B of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 as amended and supplemented by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption.