KPU: 1,854 Candidates For West Java DPRD Members Pass Verification

The General Election Commission (KPU) of West Java Province stated that 1,854 prospective members of the West Java Provincial DPRD passed administrative verification.

"Now is the announcement period for the list of temporary candidates (DCS) after administrative verification states that 1,854 people meet the requirements of a total of 1,980 candidates for legislative members (bacaleg) from 18 parties," said West Java Provincial KPU member Endun Abdul Haq, quoted from Antara, Sunday, August 20.

A total of 126 other baulaleg, he said, did not meet the administrative requirements (TMS), as stipulated in KPU Regulation Number 10 of 2023.

Endun explained that those who did not pass due to the inequality of documents, were mostly related to diplomas, health statements, or courts.

"Everything is a matter of incomplete required documents, maybe previously it was not taken care of by Babeleg so we determined that we did not meet the requirements," he said.

Based on data from the West Java KPU, of the 126 candidates who did not meet the requirements, 61 of them were balaleg from the Nusantara Awakening Party, 36 from the Indonesian Solidarity Party, 19 from the People's Conscience Party, eight from the Garda Party of the Republic of Indonesia, and one each from the Ummat Party and the Labor Party.

Meanwhile, 100 percent of the baulaleg requirements are the National Awakening Party, Gerindra Party, PDI-P, Golkar Party, NasDem Party, Prosperous Justice Party, National Mandate Party, Democratic Party, United Development Party, Perindo Party, Indonesian People's Wave Party, and Crescent Star Party.

Bagi balaleg yang tidak puas atau keberasan dengan keputusan KPU Provinsi Jabar ini, kata Endun, bisa menggunakan haknya secara hukum dengan mengajukan persoalan melalui partai politiknya masing-masing ke Bawaslu.

Endun said that the DCS announcement period was on August 19' 23, 2023, or along with the response period and public input on DCS from August 19 to 28, 2023.

"We urge the public to pay close attention to DCS on our social media. Please pay attention, the public wants to respond via email or social media," said Endun.

Regarding the percentage of women's representation, he emphasized that all bahaleg from 18 political parties participating in the 2024 General Election had exceeded 30 percent.

The lowest, he continued, was the NasDem Party with 31 percent and the highest was the Garda Party of the Republic of Indonesia with 43 percent.