Landslides And Floods Hit 3 Villages In North Bengkulu, Home Timpah Materials To Enliven Residents' Boats

As many as three villages in North Bengkulu Regency were hit by landslides and floods due to heavy rains. "Currently, three villages have been affected by the rain that occurred, causing landslides in the three areas," said Head of BPBD North Bengkulu Regency Eka Hendriyadi when confirmed in Bengkulu, Friday, August 18, which was confiscated by Antara. The three villages are Lubuk Mindai Village in Ketahun District, which experienced landslides due to 50 meters of rock coating collapsed so that the futsal field was covered by landslides and caused a loss of Rp. 350 million.

In addition, there was a flood that paralyzed the road access between Ketahun District and Putri Hijau District.

Then Karang Village on Putri Hijau Island experienced a flood that inundated the Sumatra cross road, submerged four residents' houses, washed away one fiber boat and one ship engine, as well as 16 fishing nets, with a loss of Rp192 million.

"As well as Purwodadi Village in Arga Makmur District, a fallen tree fell on a sword stall at Purwodadi Arga Makmur Market," he said.

The incident, he continued, had no casualties. The current condition, said Eka, is that the national roads that are flooded can still be passed by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles.

Meanwhile, rain is still pouring with moderate intensity in several areas such as Putri Hijau District and Ketahun District. Therefore, his party coordinated with the Head of Putri Hijau Sub-district and the Head of Lubuk Mindai Village. "Monitoring in the field continues, the TRCD Team (Emergency Rapid Response Team) carried out tree clearing in Purwoda Market in Arga Makmur District and conducted a review of the location of floods and landslides in the Districts of Ketahun and Putri Hijau," he said.