Dewi Rezer Married To A Caucasian Man, Marcelino Lefrandt Ridiculed By Children

JAKARTA - Dewi Rezer ended her loneliness after divorcing from Marcelino Lefrandt in 2016. She married a foreigner named Ethan Alamark. The wedding is known to take place in Canada on 11 July.

The wedding is known to have been held behind closed doors with only family and relatives attending. However, Dewi Rezer's mother and children were not present. He said his children could not attend because of the school schedule that could not be left.

"Incidentally, my mother and my children couldn't come. Because the children were already in school, then my mother was unable to attend, so I represented the Uncle (paman)," said Dewi Rezer in Mampang Prapatan on Sunday, August 13.

However, Dewi Rezer's marriage was welcomed by Marcelino Lefrandt and his children. It was even said that the two children were happy to see their mother married again.

"My children, especially those who understand, are also happy. I am also happy and praying for him. This is what is best for him," said Marcelino Lefrandt in Senayan, Central Jakarta last week.

Marcelino admitted that he first learned the news of Dewi Rezer and Ethan Alamark's marriage from his son. Even the children mocked Marcelino who never got married.

"They told you the update, 'Tuh Mama was married'. In fact, first they knew, not me," added Marcelino.

Although he has been divorced from Dewi Rezer for a long time, Marcelino admits that he is still on good terms with his ex-wife. He wanted to keep his children mentally from being too disturbed by his 2016 divorce.

"I always open a good relationship with my ex-wife, so that her mental health children are maintained," Marcelino said.

Furthermore, Marcelino admitted that he had met Dewi Rezer after the marriage. He also congratulated his ex.

"Oh, we found it, yesterday I said congrats on Instagram too," said Marcelino Lefrandt.

For information, Dewi Reher and Ethan Alamark's marriage occurred after the two of them underwent a long distance relationship (LDR) or distance relationship for six years.

While dating, Dewi Rezer is behind her busy work often visiting Ethan in Canada, and vice versa.

Now, both of them are known to live together in Jakarta. Dewi Rezer asked her husband to stay and stay in the capital city.