Minister Of Transportation: Contribution Of Fossil Fuel Vehicles To Air Pollution Of More Than 50 Percent

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi invites people to switch to using electric vehicles to create good air quality, especially in urban areas such as Jakarta.

"The contribution of fossil fuel motorized vehicles to air pollution is more than 50 percent. Moreover, people have started to return to normal activities after the COVID-19 pandemic, finally making pollution in Jakarta increase," Budi said in an official statement, Mimnggu August 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

He conveyed this when giving a speech at a fun ride event held by the Indonesian Electric Motorcycle Industry Association (Aismoli) in Jakarta, Sunday, August 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

"Therefore, we invite people to switch to using electric vehicles. If the use becomes massive, it is hoped that it can reduce the pollution that occurs in big cities," continued the Minister of Transportation.

He said that the electric motorcycle industry, both new and conversion vehicles, continues to be accelerated by the government.

To maintain the safety aspect of the conversion of electric motors, the Ministry of Transportation has also issued Minister of Transportation Regulation Number PM 39 of 2023 concerning Motorcycle Conversion by Motorbike Driving Burns into Battery-Based Electric Motorcycles.

This policy is part of an effort to accelerate the improvement of the electric motorcycle ecosystem through improving conversion motorcycle-type testing services.

"Why the conversion? So, if the new electric motorbike is good, but if it is converted, we are trying to change the existing fuel motors and the number is very large," said the Minister of Transportation.

Furthermore, he suggested to electric vehicle manufacturers that they can make standard battery specifications to make it easier for the public.

He also hopes that the electric vehicle ecosystem can continue to be built so that the quality of electric vehicles will be better at affordable prices.

"What will come with the nickel industry in Indonesia will make this better, at a cheaper price," said the Minister of Transportation.

On the same occasion, Aismoli Chairman Budi Setiadi said that as a government partner, Aismoli continues to encourage the massive use of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

"Today's activities are being carried out in order to invite people to switch to electric vehicles, considering the recent worrying air pollution in Jakarta," he said.

In addition, Aismoli also asked the electric vehicle industry players to be ready to produce according to the required capacity.

He also appreciated the various efforts that the government had made through various policies.

"The government assistance program is currently open to the wider community. For example, the use of electric vehicles into operational vehicles in government offices, programs for converting fuel vehicles to electricity, creating ecosystems, and various other programs to educate the public so that they quickly switch to electric vehicles," he said.

The number of motorcycles is based on the number of type test certificates and type test registration certificates issued as of August 10, 2023, for conversion motorbikes, namely 183 units and for new electric motorcycles, namely 59,388 units.

Also attending the fun ride activity were the Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Hendro Sugiatno and the President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo.