Why Have Children Bathed? Find 5 Reasons Here
YOGYAKARTA "Producing children to take a shower without having to make a fuss is not an easy thing. Therefore, it is very important to know the cause of the difficulty of bathing so that you do not have trouble when telling your child to clean up.
Summarized from various sources, there are a number of reasons why it is difficult for children to take showers, including:
The water temperature that is too hot or too cold can actually make children reluctant to clean themselves.
According to Parenting FirstCry, if children bathe with water whose temperature is very different from their body temperature, the water can feel pain in the skin.
If this happens repeatedly, the child will not want to take a shower because he feels uncomfortable.
To overcome this, you need to involve your child when determining the water temperature before asking them to clean themselves after a day of activities.
Soap or shampoo that enters the eyes can turn out to be a frightening experience for your little one. The reason is, the soap or shampoo that enters the eyes of the children can cause their vision and make the eyes sad.
So that this doesn't happen, you can use everything from eye protection, glasses, waslap, and the like.
After the little one sees some of their shower sessions there is no incident of soap or shampoo falling in their eyes, then they might prefer to be told to take a shower.
One of the things that children don't like is being asked to take a shower while playing. For children, stopping playing just for bathing can end their fun, and this can lead to hatred.
Quoted from the Child Mind Institute, children can have problems with transition. In fact, everyone has problems with transition. However, as adults realize that things to do are more important than things to do just for fun purposes, they can be more mature about change.
Meanwhile, children, have not yet reached this level of maturity and all they see is their pleasure to end soon.
The solution, parents need to consider giving children a countdown when they have to stop playing for a shower.
That way, playing time can be completed and the kids don't feel like they're off guard when they're told they have to stop playing for a shower immediately.
Sensory problems can be the cause why it is difficult for children to take a bath. Sensory problems can be stimulated in various forms. Whether it's the sound of water, the taste of cloth, the smell of soap, and many more, the senses must be handled.
Adapting Today's Parent, one way to solve sensory problems so that children don't hate bathing is to understand what makes your little one not want to be in the bathtub or shower.
This method makes parents not expose their children to things that trigger sensory problems they may have and make them more comfortable when bathing.
As their child ages, they will further develop their ability to make decisions. Feeling that they have control over him, children will refuse to take a shower for no apparent reason.
Therefore, don't force your little one when it's difficult to take a bath. This will only worsen his fear and trauma. Give the children a look and hug them while trying to calm them down.
That's information about why it's difficult for children to take a shower. Get news updates from other options only on VOI.ID.