Honorary Serang Employees Will Join Demo In Jakarta Call For State Clarity
BANTEN - An honorary employee in Serang City plans to join an honorary from other areas to participate in a demonstration in Jakarta on August 7, 2023 to fight for the clarity of their status.
"We will demonstrate to defend and fight for the fate of non-ASN friends or honorary staff in the government so that the status is immediately clear," said Head of the Banten Non-PNS Employee Forum (FPNPB), Taufiq Hidayat, in Serang, Wednesday, August 2, confiscated by Antara.
After attending the Release Daily Energy Sarasean (THL) event at the Central Field of City Government (Puspemkot) Serang Taufiq stated that the demonstration was also intended to oversee the revision of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
"The plan is for 10,000 honorary staff from Banten Province to attend the demonstration on Monday, August 7, 2023, in front of the DPR RI building, Jakarta," he said.
The demands that will be carried out in the demonstration, he continued, are demands for ratification of the draft revision of Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning ASN.
"In addition, we also urge the President to revise the 2018 PP regarding the appointment of honorary servants to become PNS or PPPK (Government Employees with Work Agreements) and demand the same rights for all honorary parties in participating in the PNS or PPPK selection process," he said.
Meanwhile, the Mayor (Walkot) Serang Syafrudin said that his party had given permission for honorary staff to participate in the demonstration in Jakarta.
"Say that aspiration well, don't be anarchic and don't let things happen that we don't want," he said.