A Busker In Batam Raped A Mentally Retarded Girl, Threatened With 12 Years In Prison

JAKARTA - The girl with the initials YN (21 years old) who had a mental retardation was raped by W (24) at Ruli Eden Park's boarding house, Batam Kota District, Batam City, Riau Islands, last week. The victim's mother who could not speak and had low knowledge was used by the perpetrator who worked as a busker to satisfy her lust. The incident was uncovered when the victim's mother's initials NB (48) saw the sandals usually used by the victim seen on the boarding house terrace where the victim and the suspect lived. "The victim's mother saw her child's sandals on the boarding terrace of the boarding house, but her child was not there. Because it was not seen, her mother searched in every of these boarding rooms," said Batam City Police Chief, AKP Betty Novia in her statement, Wednesday 2 August. The continuation, after the search was carried out, finally the victim was found in the suspect's boarding room. "Her mother heard the victim's voice shouting quietly from the suspect's room. After the room door was opened, her mother saw the victim who was not dressed in pain in the vital equipment section. After that the victim was immediately taken to Bhayangkara Hospital the Riau Islands Police for a post mortem," he explained. Before the victim was taken to the hospital, the victim's mother asked the residents for help to bring the suspect to the police.

"Seeing the victim on the terrace, there was a desire to rape and when doing so the victim's mouth was covered with a sarong," he said. For this incident, the suspect was subject to Article 285 junto Article 286 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 12 years in prison.