Electric Cars Are Increasingly Liked In The World, Which Is The Most Interested Between Tesla, BYD, And Volkswagen?

JAKARTA - All car manufacturers have submitted sales reports for each company in the second quarter of 2023. Of these reports, there has been a significant increase in sales of battery-powered electric cars (BEVs) worldwide.

Tesla, BYD, and Volkswagen Group are the three market leaders of electric vehicles in the world today. Then who is superior in terms of sales?

These three manufacturers recorded positive sales results compared to the previous year, but it turned out to be the same position as in the first quarter. Tesla remains the market leader with sales of 466,140 units or experienced a high growth of 83 percent from the same period last year.

BYD is in second place with sales of 352,163 units, but its growth rate is faster than Tesla (up 95 percent from last year). The relative distance between the two appears to be decreasing, as BYD hit about 76 percent of Tesla's sales volume, compared to 71 percent last year.

Meanwhile, Volkswagen Group is in third place with sales of 180,239 units and growth of 53 percent from the same period last year. While the results were positive for these German producers, those figures showed they were unable to develop as quickly as Tesla and BYD. Thus, the relative distance between Volkswagen Group and its two competitors is getting bigger.

Quoted from InsideEVs, July 31, during the first half of this year, Tesla almost made sales of 900,000 units, while BYD exceeded 600,000 units. Volkswagen is about half of BYD's current volume with more than 300,000 units sold.

With a very strong growth rate, BYD is predicted to soon surpass Tesla but not in 2023.