In The Aftermath Of The PPDB Problem In Bogor City, 8 Principals Of State Junior High Schools Were Replaced

BOGOR - Principal of SMP was replaced with the impact of the problem of New Student Admissions (PPDB), recently. Bogor Mayor Bima Arya rotated eight school principals as a form of learning and improvement to the problems that existed in the 2023 New Student Admission Registration (PPDB).

The problems that occurred in PPDB in 2023 were falsification of children's identities on family cards (KK) and entrusting KK to outsmart the distance of the house to the zoning system.

Bima Arya rotated at the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik), he hoped that his decision could bring freshness to school leaders in elementary and junior high schools.

"So the rotation this time is learning and improvement of the problems that existed in PPDB yesterday. I use the authority I have to refresh school leaders in junior high and elementary schools," said Bima Arya.

Bima said that the eight school principals who were rotated were the Principal of SMPN 1, SMPN 3, SMPN 6, SMPN 8, SMPN 12, SMPN 16, SMPN SMPN 18, and SMPN 20.

Not only principals, continued Bima Arya, Secretary, Head of Elementary School and Head of Junior High School Division were also rotated outside of the Bogor City Education Office. Then the official concerned was given the task in other agencies to build a good system.

The Secretary of Disdik previously occupied by Dani Rahadian is now occupied by Hendres Deddy Nugroho, former Secretary of the Investment and One Stop Integrated Licensing Service (DPMPTSP).

The head of the junior high school sector previously occupied by Yosep Berliana is now occupied by Adhitya Bhuana, a former Secretary of North Bogor District.

The head of the SD Division previously occupied by Rudi Suryanto is now occupied by Raden Medi Sandora, the former Head of the Handling of the Poor and Social Security, the Social Service.

Bima Arya conveyed that this improvement was made after he received a report from the Inspectorate of Bogor City. Where the Inspectorate is assigned to investigate if there are malpractice and violations in PPDB in Bogor City.