Do This If You Want To Avoid Explosions On Electric Motorcycle Battery

JAKARTA - The charm of electric motorcycles is increasingly attracting various groups who want to own environmentally friendly vehicles with futuristic designs and high efficiency for daily use.
An important part of an electric motorcycle is the battery. With the battery charged, users don't have to worry about using this two-wheeled vehicle in various activities.
However, while practical and efficient, battery treatment is an important key for owners of electric motorcycles. Untreated batteries can trigger serious problems, even causing short circuits and potential explosions.
Of course, users don't need to worry because this problem can be avoided with proper treatment.
Putu Yudha, Chief Marketing Officer of PT Iletra Motor Group (Alva), explained that the explosion or fire in the battery was caused by the battery temperature being too high. Therefore, each battery is equipped with a BMS (Battery Management System) that functions to optimally and safely regulate battery performance.
"In caring for batteries, make sure to keep them in a safe place with the right temperature. Also avoid using up to 0 percent of the battery, because this can cause BMS to be locked and not work," Yudha told VOI on Monday, July 31.
In addition, avoid hard impacts on the battery when moving it. This can affect the overall performance and quality of electric motor batteries.
By caring for the battery properly, you can make sure the battery remains optimal and is not damaged. However, if you find a battery with cracks, leaks, or bloating, change the battery immediately.
"Secondly, batteries also need to be replaced if the battery terminal is rusty or bent," Yudha added.
Make sure the battery maintenance is done carefully so that your electric motorcycle remains safe and performs optimally. In this way, you can enjoy driving comfort without worrying about battery problems. (Photo: Alva Cervo - Source: Alva Motor)