West Kalimantan Kubu Raya Regency Enters The Red Zone To Beware Of Forest And Land Fires
The Head of Subsidy for the Kubu Raya Police, Aipda Ade Surdiansyah, said that the Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, is currently in the alert category for forest and land fires (Karhutla), considering that land fires that occurred in the district occurred in almost all existing sub-districts.
"Because Kubu Raya Regency has almost evenly burned land in all sub-districts, the most are in the Kakap and Sungai Raya Rivers because the area is very wide," said Ade Surdiansyah, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 30.
He said the forest and land fires that occur every year occur at the same point where this fire occurs in empty land owned by unprocessed communities.
"Regarding this land fire, we from the Kubu Raya Police have investigated the land fire case and we have raised two cases to the level of investigation where the suspect is a community who burned the land and the investigation is still ongoing," he said.
Land fires that occurred in Sungai Raya and Sungai Kakap, he said, until now his party together with the joint apparatus and a number of community organizations struggled to extinguish a number of burned land.
"We are also intensifying patrols in areas that have the potential to become hotspots to anticipate fires in these empty lands. We also always coordinate with the MPA, Tagana, Basarnas, BPBD, TNI and a number of other parties to take quick steps to extinguish fires at existing locations," he said.
Through this application, said Ade, his party will automatically gather at that point to immediately extinguish the existing fire so that it does not spread.
Untuk kebakaran lahan yang terjadi, lanjutnya, memang tidak bisa diprediksi, ada yang terjadi di lahan kosong, namun ada juga yang terjadi di dekat permukiman warga, seperti yang terjadi di Kuala Dua beberapa waktu lalu, dimana kebakaran lahan menhabis hutan warga dan hampir memasuki permukiman pendembangan penduduk.
With very limited personnel and personnel and obstacles in the availability of inadequate water at the location of the land fire, it is an obstacle faced by officers in extinguishing the burning land.
"So for the time being, we are making efforts to extinguish the fire, where we take water from other places and transport it by car and accommodate it in the temporarily created pool. So this is what we can do to extinguish fires in difficult water areas," he said.