3 Immigration Officers Become New Suspects Of TIP Cambodia Network
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has named three new suspects in the Cambodian network of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) case. They are Immigration officers.
"Meanwhile, tonight we have named 3 suspects," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi to reporters, Friday, July 28.
The determination of this suspect is the result of an in-depth investigation carried out in the Bali area.
In addition, in the TIP syndicate, they are said to have helped other suspects in the process of dispatching the victims. The trick, loosening the rules that should have been applied
"We will work together to carry out the examination, jointly with Bareskrim yesterday, and we will continue to develop it," said Hengki.
Now a total of 15 people have been named as suspects in the Cambodian TIP case. One of them is a member of the National Police and the other four are Immigration officers.
For information, this TIP network sells the kidneys of Indonesian citizens (WNI) to Cambodia. It is recorded that 122 people are victims, the majority of whom work as laborers to security.