Police Shooting Police Incident Must Be Completely Investigated, Don't Repeat The Sambo Case Again

JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani encouraged the National Police to thoroughly investigate the police shooting incident, which killed one person. Puan emphasized the importance of transparency in resolving cases in order to maintain the image of the Police in the eyes of the public.

"The shooting incident by his fellow police officers is really regrettable. The National Police must investigate this case thoroughly. And of course by prioritizing transparency to the public, don't let anything be covered up," said Puan, Thursday, July 27.

A member of the National Police from the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police named Bripda IDF was the victim of a shooting at the Police Flat, Cikeas, Bogor on Sunday (23/7). Currently, the police have named Bripda IMS and Bripka IG as suspects.

Based on information from the National Police, the incident was caused by the negligence of members when removing weapons, so that it hit the person in front of him. If this incident is proven true, said Puan, the Police need to tighten the possession of firearms for their members.

"Don't ignore it for periodic psychology for members of the National Police who are given the authority to carry firearms. Because carrying firearms that are not accompanied by responsibilities will endanger the people around them and themselves," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan hopes that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, can conducive his staff, especially in the use of firearms.

"I hope that the National Police Chief can resolve this issue in a precise manner, so that it does not become a bad precedent for the National Police institution. Because of the police shooting the police, either due to negligence or intentional, it has often happened," said Puan.

As is known, the police shooting police case is not the only time this has happened. Previously, the public was surprised by the shooting incident at the official residence of a high-ranking police officer where a member of the National Police with the initials Brigadier J became the victim of a shooting by his own colleague.

After the initial investigation, it was discovered that Brigadier J was shot by Bharada E, both of whom were aides to the Head of the Police Professional and Security Division, Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo. The initial motive was known, because Brigadier J was caught sexually harassing Ferdy Sambo's wife, Putri Candrawathi.

However, the public's critical attitude and curiosity from the victim's family made the National Police carry out a second investigation until it was revealed that Brigadier J was not shot dead by Bharada E, but by Ferdy Sambo himself who was furious because his wife was not treated well.

"Especially after the previous shooting case, of course, it greatly affects the image of the Police in public, which must be taken seriously and opened clearly," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives reminded that the settlement of the police shooting case must be resolved appropriately, accurately and transparently so as not to raise questions in public. This is also in line with the commitment of the National Police Chief which states that the Police will continue to improve.

"The public is also waiting for the promise of the National Police Chief which states that the Police will continue to improve and be sensitive to events that involve internally. Do not let the perception appear again, that every incident involving its members seems to be covered up," he said.

Puan believes that the incident involving members of the police was only carried out by a handful of individuals. However, as a protector of the community, the National Police was asked to show their best dedication.

"The DPR and the Public understand that there are actually many police officers who are professional and really serve the community. But make sure the Police always prioritize protection and services for the people," said Puan.

"And the police must also be wiser in dealing with cases against small people, so that there is no longer an impression that the law is sharp downwards," concluded Bung Karno's grandson.