City Government: Teacher's Needs In Mataram Have Been Fulfilled Through The PPPK Program

MATARAM - Mataram City Government, West Nusa Tenggara Province stated that the need for teachers in a number of schools, both elementary and junior high schools in Mataram City, has now been fulfilled through the Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) program."God willing, in the future we will have no more problems with teacher shortages. Including teachers who enter retirement can be immediately filled," said Head of the Mataram City Education Office (Disdik) Yusuf in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, July 27.For 2023, there were 74 teachers who entered retirement. Meanwhile, the shortage of teachers in Mataram in 2022 was recorded at around 300 people, both for subjects and classroom teachers at the elementary and junior high school levels."We will fill this shortfall with PPPK teachers who have passed the selection of 427 teachers," he said.Therefore, currently the task of Disdik will be to prepare for the distribution of the 427 PPPK teachers to schools that are considered to lack teachers."The distribution of teachers is part of an effort to equalize teachers and the quality of education in Mataram City," he said.Thus, in the future there will be no more parents who choose certain school places because the quality of education in all schools throughout Mataram City has been flattened.It's just that, he added, several schools, especially elementary school levels, will be studied to be merged because the location is close to each other or there are students under 10 people.Such as SDN 11 Ampenan and 14 Ampenan located close together so that they can be combined as an efficiency effort, as well as SDN 15 Mataram and SDN 19 Mataram in the Punia area and SDN 31 Karang Sukun whose new students are under 10 children."We have gone down with Bappeda and the Asset Section to see the condition of the school and there is a'merger' plan (to join) as part of efficiency," he said.
Even from Bappeda and Assets, Yusuf added, he plans to make the school one of Mataram Elementary Schools in Punia a Mataram Health Center, because the condition of the Mataram Health Center on Jalan Catur Warga currently exceeds capacity.