DKPP Will Hold An Ethics Session Of Commissioners Allegedly Intervention In Selection Of North Maluku Bawaslu Members Through WA Groups
North Maluku Bawaslu (Malut) Commissioner Ardian Yoro Nareng who is suspected of intervening in the selection process for candidates for district/city Bawaslu members will undergo a trial to examine the Honorary Council of Election Organizers (DKPP).
The trial will take place in the North Maluku General Election Commission (KPU) room at Ternate, tomorrow Friday, July 28 at 09.00 WIT.
"The DKPP has properly summoned all parties, namely five days before the examination hearing was held," said DKPP Secretary Yudia Ramli when contacted, Thursday, July 27, confiscated by Antara.
Yudia conveyed that the trial of case Number 91-PKE-DKPP/VI/2023 will take place openly. The public can witness the trial firsthand through the DKPP Facebook account, @medsosdkpp.
This case was reported by Hendra Kasim and Julham Djagea. Both of them complained about Ardian Yoro Nareng as a member of the North Maluku Bawaslu who allegedly intervened in the selection process for Bawaslu members throughout North Maluku Province by creating a WhatsApp (WA) group containing a selection team and a number of political party cadres.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 31 paragraphs (1) and (2) of DKPP Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning the Second Amendment to DKPP Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Guidelines for Certifying the Code of Ethics for General Election Organizers, the trial will be chaired by DKPP Members and the North Maluku Province Regional Audit Team (TPD).
Meanwhile, the defendant Hendra Kasim was contacted to admit that he had received a summons for trial by the DKPP regarding the alleged ethical violation case committed by members of the North Maluku Bawaslu.
"The agenda for the trial is based on a summons for trial, namely, listening to the main complaint points from the complainant, the answers of the defendant and listening to witness statements," said Hendra.