BTS Corruption Alleged Session Johnny G Plate, Prosecutor Presents Secretary General Of Kominfo

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate will undergo a follow-up hearing in the alleged corruption case in the provision of 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure for the 2020-2022 period, today. The agenda is witness examination.

Based on the Case Investigation Information System (SIPP) of the Central Jakarta District Court, the trial will be held in Muhammad Hatta Ali's Room at around 10.00 WIB.

"Proof of the prosecutor," wrote SIPP quoted by VOI, Tuesday, July 25.

From the information received, the prosecutor will present five witnesses, one of whom is the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Mira Tayyina Msee.

Then, the other four witnesses who will be presented by the prosecutor include the Main Auditor at the Inspector General of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Doddy Setiadi; Head of the Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Arifin Saleh Lubis; Head of the Lastmile and Backhaul Division at BAKTI, Mufiammad Feriandi Mirza; and the Head of Sub-Directorate or Monitoring Coordinator & evaluation of the Telecommunication Network, Indra Apriadi.

Johnny G Plate was charged with obtaining several facilities related to the alleged corruption case in the provision of 4G Base Transceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure in 2020-2022.

The NasDem politician is said to have received golf facilities for free 6 times. Where, the entire bill was paid by the President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia Galumbang Menak Simanjuntak in the amount of Rp420 million.

Then, Johnny also received facilities from the President Director of PT Sansaine Exindo Jemy Sutijawan worth IDR 452.5 million around 2022. Form, part of the payment of hotel bills when he was with the team during an official trip to Barcelona, Spain.

Johnny Plate also received similar facilities from the Commissioner of PT Solitech Media Sinergy, Irwan Hermawan. At that time, Johnny made official trips to several countries.

"Around 2022, Irwan Hermawan received facilities in the form of some hotel payments with the team during his overseas official trip to Paris, France amounting to Rp453.6 million, London, England amounting to Rp167.6 million, and the United States amounting to Rp404.6 million," said the prosecutor.

In addition, Johnny G Plate also received money from the President Director of Bakti Kominfo, Anang Achmad Latief, amounting to Rp10 billion and Rp1,950 billion. Then, from Irwan Hermawan Rp4 billion.

"The defendant Johnny Gerard Plate (enriched himself) in the amount of Rp. 17,848,308,000," said the prosecutor.