SS1 Firearms Members Of The Homeyo Police Were Stolen, The Papua Police Propam Conducted An Examination

PAPUA - The Papua Police's Professional and Security Division (Propam) has examined members of the Homeyo Police who claimed to have lost the National Police organic firearm on the grounds that an armed criminal group (KKB) was stolen. "From the new report, one member of the Homeyo Police has been questioned and it is possible that there are others who will be questioned," said Papua Deputy Chief of Police (Wakapolda) Brigadier General Pol Ramdani Hidayat in Jayapura, Monday, July 24, which was confiscated by Antara. Based on information from members of the Homeyo Police in Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua, the Police organic firearm was stolen on Saturday 16 July.

Ramdani added that shortly after the theft, there was a shooting of the Police and the Homeyo Koramil by the KKB on Sunday, July 17.

A day later on Monday, July 18, he continued, the plane belonging to Smart Air with 7 members of the Cartenz Peace Task Force assigned to assist security at the Homeyo Police was also fired upon by the KKB. "There were no casualties in the incident and the plane returned safely in Nabire," said Ramdani. The police organic firearm containing ammunition carried away by the KKB is SS1 type.

As is known, the Homeyo Police took about 15 minutes from Sugapa, the capital of Intan Jaya Regency.