Inspirational Story Of Winata, Year To Build Brand Skincare To Cuan Hundreds Of Millions Per Month

JAKARTA - The success story of business people is always interesting to explore. Moreover, if it can inspire others to achieve the same success. Or at least, it motivates you to continue to work hard to pursue your dream of achieving success.

Many young businessmen are able to work as well as triumph. There are so many Indonesian entrepreneurs who start their business at a young age and prove that they are capable.

One of them is Winata Harefa. He was quite successful in running a business by carrying the skincare brand Collector Beaute since last November 2022. Although the brand is still relatively new, he is able to prove himself able to compete with leading domestic and even foreign brands.

Then tell me how his journey to build his brand is not something that is not easy. Before deciding to create his own brand, he did many things. Starting from selling softlens, open preorder clothes to opening channels on YouTube by presenting unboxing content.

His interest in the world of beauty has finally prompted him to build his own brand. He ventured to create a brand, with a simple desire to be able to use it on his own. The young entrepreneurs such as Felicya Angelista and Liana Lie are role models to do the same thing.

"I want to make products from my own brand, for me to use the best quality and can also be used by the Indonesian people," he said, quoted on Saturday, July 22.

As is the case with business people in general,ipel's journey is also not always smooth. As a new local brand,iplins must work hard to introduce their products to the wider community.

Not infrequently he has to lose money because there are obstacles in the process of shipping products out of town. For example, when he sent products from factories in Jakarta to Medan, many were damaged.

Then, dealing with various customers,CENE sometimes also experiences several problems. However, the support from his family and friends made her discouraged.

Sometimes there are those who get angry because their products are damaged or the delivery takes too long. This is also a challenge that I always face and always try to improve. If there are damaged products, I always replace them with new ones," said the alumni of SMA Methodist 2 Medan.

However,cipel believes that the brand he built has the ability to compete. Moreover, the products he creates have a high quality composition, then have affordable prices. He also doesn't play games by doing research so that his products are accepted by the Indonesian people.

All his hard work paid off when the brand he built became known and went viral among celebrities.

I often ask people in Medan, do you know Collect Beaute? And they answer that they know that my product is viral. Hearing that alone is already very happy, "saidCE.

Moreover, the turnover he is able to achieve is beyond expectations with a fairly large number. Together with the brand he owns,iri was able to earn money per month in the range of IDR 300 million to 500 million, especially, for perfume products.

This achievement is again beyond his expectations, because from the startmen wanted to market skincare products more from the start. Unexpectedly, perfume products have actually received a good response, so they are now the mainstay product.

"Usaha never betrays the results. As a businessman, don't give up easily and have to have a list of goals, because from there we are more enthusiastic. Apart from material capital, we must have strong determination and intentions. Without it, we can falter," he concluded.