Promises To 'Meet Playing', Junior High School Boy In Banyumas Dies By Celurit

BANYUMAS - Banyumas City Police (Polresta) revealed a case of a fight between two teenagers in Kedondong Village, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, which resulted in the death of one person.

"The incident occurred early this morning at around 02.30 WIB," said Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 14.

The one-on-one fight was carried out by K (15) and V (15) in Kedondong Village, Sokaraja District, using sharp weapons of the type of sickle.

According to Edy, the two teenagers who were still in the third grade of junior high school were residents of Karangananas Village, Sokaraja District.

As a result of the fight, a teenager with the initials K died at Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital Purwokerto at 03.10 WIB due to being hit by a sharp weapon.

"Meanwhile, we have secured the perpetrator with the initials V at the Sokaraja Police," he said.

Meanwhile, Sokaraja Police Chief AKP Soetrisno said that before the fight, the two teenagers made an appointment with the term "meeting the game" which turned out to mean fighting one by one using sharp weapons.

A number of witnesses who were friends of the two teenagers witnessed the fight from a distance of about 20 meters from the scene.

"There are witnesses but they are remotely," he said.

The victim with the initials K, who felt defeated by being injured by a sharp weapon, immediately ran to ask his friends for help.

The victim was then taken to the Prof. Dr Margono Soekarjo Hospital for help but was finally declared dead at 03.10 WIB.

Regarding the handling of the perpetrator with the initials V, the police chief said that his party was waiting for the leadership's direction because he was still a minor.

"For further handling, we are still waiting for the leadership's direction," he said.