Witness Reveals Bribery Money For Bandung Transportation Agency Project Allegedly Flowing To Regional Secretary, APH To Journalists

The witness who was presented in the bribery case for the procurement of CCTV and the Bandung ISP said that the bribes from projects within the Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub) were suspected to have flowed to the Regional Secretary (Sekda) to law enforcement officers (APH).

Public Prosecutor Tony Indra said that from the testimony of witnesses, it was concluded that the practice of bribery in a number of projects at the Bandung City Transportation Agency had occurred for a long time so that it became a common thing. The bribes are channeled into a fee originating from 5-10 percent of the project value.

"There are the Mayors of Yana Mulyana, Ema Sumarna (Sekda) then members of the council, and APH. The following is to NGOs and journalists," Tony said when giving a statement after the trial of the defendant who bribed Yana Mulyana at the Corruption Court in Bandung, West Java, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, July 12.

During the trial, three witnesses were presented, namely the Acting Secretary of the Bandung City Transportation Agency Asep Kurnia, the former Head of the Bandung City Transportation Agency Ricky Gustiadi, and the Head of the Bandung City Transportation Agency Program, Roni Achmad.

The three people became witnesses for three defendants who bribed Yana, namely the Director of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (Cifo) Sony Setiadi, Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny, and Manager of PT SMA Andreas Guntoro.

During the trial, Asep Kurnia said that the project undertaken by PT Cifo for the Bandung City Government had been carried out since 2018. At that time, according to him, there was already a fee for PT Cifo to the Head of the Bandung City Transportation Agency at that time.

In addition, Asep also revealed that there were fees that also flowed to the APH, namely the West Java Regional Police, Bandung Polrestabes, to the Bandung City District Attorney.

For Regional Secretary Ema Sumarna, according to her, there was also a fee that was channeled for Rp. 30 million. Asep said that Ema originally asked for the fee for THR for Rp. 70 million, but only agreed to Rp. 30 million.

Asep also revealed that there was a request for a fee from Ema Sumarna in the amount of Rp. 70 million for THR purposes. However, Asep did not specify the time or year of giving the fee to Ema.

"At first I asked for Rp. 70 million, but I had only Rp. 30 million. That's the money from the remnants (dishub project fee)," said Asep.

That way, Tony also ensures that he will convey the latest facts to investigators who handle the three suspects who received the bribe Yana Mulyana, Kadishub of Bandung City Dadang Darmawan, and the Head of Traffic and Equipment for Jalan Khairur Rijal.

"Earlier, he was sworn in, he will give the real information. Indeed, they admit that there is money from the project fee that flows to APH, we will convey the facts of the trial to investigators later," he said.

The cases that were tried were related to bribes for the procurement of CCTV projects and theInternet Service Provider (ISP) within the Bandung City Government in the 2022 and 2023 fiscal years.

Based on the indictment of the case, the three defendants from the private sector gave bribes totaling Rp. 888 million to three officials in the city of Bandung, namely Yana, Dadang, and Rijal. From that case, the prosecutor later found out that similar bribery practices had occurred for a long time.