The Reason Why Cats Like To Sleep On The Owner's Feet, Not Just A Manjaan

YOGYAKARTA - Cats often do strange behaviors that make us excited. This same hairy animal usually shows spoiled behavior or wants to be loved by the owner. One of them is a cat who likes to lie around our legs. Many anabul owners are curious why cats like to sleep on their feet?

Cats look comfortable lying around our feet until they fall asleep. You may wonder why your anabul has a bed on your feet, even though a special pet bed has been made or in their cage. It turns out that there is a reason why cats like to sleep on their feet.

As a cat owner, of course you want to provide a safe, easy, and clean place so that cats can sleep comfortably. But cats instead keep approaching you and choose to relax around your feet.

Here are a number of reasons why cats like to sleep on their feet:

Cats are animals that are always wary of the conditions around them, as well as when they are sleeping. Cats will choose a safe place to rest close their eyes. For pet cats, the safest place is near their owners.

That's why cats like to sleep between their owners' feet. When you are near the owner, the cat feels safer or protected. So when you feel disturbed or threatened, the cat can quickly wake up the owner.

Another reason a cat likes to sleep between your legs is that it is looking for a warm place. When asleep, the temperature on the cat's body will drop a few degrees. Like humans, cats choose warm beds to rest.

One of the warm places for pet cats is between the feet of the owner. This pet will defecate or lean on the owner's feet because it feels warm and comfortable. Because the cat has put its trust in the owner, even when you move the cat will not be disturbed.

Cats are one of the animals that can build emotional ties with humans. Pet cats that are often loved by their owners feel the responsibility to look after their employer. When a cat is around your feet, it can be a sign he wants to be on guard for you.

Cats also want to make sure their owners feel safe. Cats will always be alert when something harms them and their owners. Even if their body size is small, cats will rely on their claw and tail when they feel threatened.

Not many know that cats are protected territorial animals. This protective attitude makes cats mark their area of power, their food, and their owners. If a cat is often around your feet, it's a sign he wants to mark that you are his.

The cat recognizes the owner from the distinctive scent that comes out of you or the smell of the cat that sticks to your body. When another cat approaches you, the cat doesn't like it and will attack it.

It turns out that cats can also respect their owners. One way a cat respects its owner is by often playing or bathing around you. So when a cat lies near your feet, it means that anabul has formed a strong bond with you.

Without you knowing it, actually the cat secretly also pays attention to the owner. Cats observe how you care for it and pay attention to it. Starting from feeding, stroking its body, to carrying it. Cats will appreciate your attention by often being around you.

That's the reason why cats like to sleep on your feet. In addition to finding a safe and warm rest area, cats also want to show a form of affection and appreciation by often being near you.

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