PAN Supports The Extension Of The Position Period Of The Village Head To 9 Years So That The Community Program Is Maximum
JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) faction of the DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay said that his faction supports the proposed extension of the term of office of the village head (kades) from 6 years to 9 years so that it can maximize community empowerment activities and programs.
"The change of leadership in the village must be made simple and easy. The extension of the term of office of the village head is expected to maximize community empowerment activities and programs," Saleh said in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 23.
According to him, the most important thing is that village head elections (pilkades) are held democratically.
"All members of the community must be involved. Can be nominated, can nominate. Can be elected, can choose. As much as possible, the principle of mutual cooperation must be applied in the implementation of the wheels of government in the village," he said.
Because, he said, if the Pilkades is carried out too often, it is feared that too often the contestation will be held.
"It's better to focus on duty for 9 years, then after that the election again. If the election is good, of course it will be re-elected. On the other hand, those who are not good and not trustworthy will be selected by themselves," he said.
Saleh said the PAN faction of the DPR also suggested that the village head's service period be held for at least two terms in the revision of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (UU Desa).
"The PAN faction also follows crucial issues related to the welfare of village officials. This includes efforts to increase salaries, retirees, social security, and specifically village funds," he said.
Including, he continued, the need for village funds to be increased so that the circulation of money is not only in cities, but also in villages throughout Indonesia.
"In Indonesia, currently there are 74,961 villages, while sub-districts total 8,506. Now, if our budget is spread in these villages evenly, the economy at the lower level will certainly live. People's purchasing power grows," said the chairman of the PAN DPP.
The Working Committee (Panja) for the Preparation of the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages (RUU Desa) of the Legislation Body of the DPR RI agreed to propose a change in the term of office of the village head to 9 years in one period, and to be re-elected twice.
As for the Village Law, the term of office of the village head is 6 years for one period, and can be re-elected three times.
"Yes, all (fractions) agree. No one refuses," said Chairman of the DPR Legislation Body Supratman Andi Agtas after the meeting.