1 Of The 4 Suspects In The Circulation Of Methamphetamine In Padang, TNI AD Soldiers With The Rank Of Tamtama

The police have named four suspects in the case of drug trafficking of 2 ounces of methamphetamine which was arrested in the city of Padang, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), on Wednesday, June 7.

Deputy Head of Padang City Police AKBP Ruly Indra Wijayanto said the four had the initials AS, AH, H, and D.

"From the disclosure of the case of the arrest of four perpetrators along with evidence of methamphetamine of about two ounces, he is now a suspect," he said during a press conference in Padang, Monday, June 12, which was confiscated by Antara.

Ruly said that one of the four suspects, namely D, was an Army soldier with the rank of Tamtama.

"For suspect D, the legal process has been taken over by the Military Police, while the other three perpetrators have been processed by Padang Police investigators," said Ruly.

He said the perpetrators were charged with several articles, namely Article 114 paragraph (2), Juncto (Jo) Article 112 paragraph (2), Jo 132 paragraph (1) Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics, the threat of imprisonment for a minimum of six years and a maximum of 20 years, life imprisonment to the death penalty.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Padang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit, AKP Martadius, added that the disclosure of the case began when the Padang Police team conducted an investigation which was then followed up with an undercover buy practice or covert purchase.

"We initially provoked the perpetrator with the initials AS who was having a shabu party, when conducting a search, evidence was found in the form of methamphetamine, a suction device, and digital scales," he said.

The arrests were made by officers at a house located at Jalan Simpang Taruko, RT001 RW003, Klumbuk Village, Kuranji District, Padang City.

"When interrogated, the US admitted that the methamphetamine with a total weight of about 200 grams (two ounces) was obtained from perpetrator D, so further development was carried out," he said.