Javanese Eagle Children Born In Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park

CIANJUR - Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Center (TNGPP) Cianjur, West Java, recorded an increase in the population of protected rare animals in the national park, with the birth of a Javan eagle (Nisaetus bartelsi) or commonly known as the Garuda bird.

Head of the TNGGP Center, Sapto Aji Prabowo, said that the birth of the Javan eagle was first discovered by the TNGGP Center Forest Ecosystem Control Team (PEH) with the Raptor Conservation Society in the Gegerbentang Block, PTN Cibodas Region I Cianjur Resort.

"The age of the eagle or young Garuda bird is about 11 days old, born to a male couple named Mandala and a female eagle named Wangi. It is likely that it will coincide with the Birthday of Pancasila, June 1, 2023," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.

The Javan eagle mother couple gave birth to an unnamed child, which was observed to have occupied the PTN Cibodas Resort area and has been active in breeding since 2010, but this birth has become a rare moment that can only occur once every two years.

His party noted that since 2015 there have been 37 Javan eagle pairs that inhabit a number of areas in the national park in 16 active nests, 6 nests in the Cianjur area, 5 nests in the Sukabumi area, and 5 other nests in the Bogor area.

"Ahead Java is included in animals that are loyal to their partners, the breeding period is only once every two years and only produces one egg, so that with the birth of a new eagle, the TNGGP collection becomes 38 Javan eagles or Garuda birds," he said.

Currently, his party is deploying resort officers and controllers of the forest ecosystem as well as RCS partners to carry out regular supervision of the newborn Javan eagle, to ensure its development and prevent poaching.

The Javan eagle is included in the International Union for Conservation of natuire and Natural Resources-IUCN Redlist red list in the endangered category, so it is included in protected animals through Government Regulation no. 7 of 1999 concerning Plant and Animal Type Management, said Sapto Aji Prabowo.