Brantas Abipraya: Ciawi Dry Dam In West Java Helps Reduce DKI Jakarta Floods
JAKARTA - PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) as a BUMN Karya revealed that the Ciawi dry dam in West Java has the potential to reduce flooding in DKI Jakarta.
"The Ciawi Dam has the potential to reduce flooding by 111.75 cubic meters per second," said Brantas Corporate Secretary Abipraya Hayyin Fahmi in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, June 10.
He said this dam has a capacity of 6.05 million m3 and an inundation area of 39.40 hectares. Ciawi Dam itself became the first dry dam in Indonesia.
Hayyin hopes that the Ciawi Dam can help reduce flooding in DKI Jakarta.
"Hopefully, with the Ciawi Dam as the first dry dam, it can be a way out of the prone Jakarta to flood disasters," he said.
Not only functioning as a flood control, Ciawi Dam is also planned for tourists. PT Brantas Abipraya added several instagramable spots for selfies around the dam.
Later, the environment around the Ciawi Dam can also be used for sports because it will be equipped with jogging tracks.
"Not only as a flood control, this dam was built to become a tourist spot, which is to be developed as an ecotourism park or an ecotourism park by utilizing conservation areas in dams," said Hayyin.
Previously, this dam was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo on November 23, 2022.
The Ciawi Dam is part of the Jakarta flood control infrastructure system, especially for the Ciliwung River in the upstream part, in addition to the normalization of the Ciliwung River along 33 km and the Ciliwung River Detention Center to the East Flood Canal in the downstream.
In addition, the Ciawi Dam also officially received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) as the Implementer of the Construction of the First Dry Dam in Indonesia.