RI-PNG Pamtas Task Force Secures Former Political Prisoner In Jayapura

JAYAPURA - The Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-PNG Infantry Battalion 132/Bima Sakti secured a resident suspected of being a former political prisoner who was included in the Yusak Pakage (45) People's Wanted List (DPO) on Jalan Poros Skouw Mabo, Muara Tami District, Jayapura City, Papua.

Wadansatgas Major Inf Zulfikar said Yusak Pakage's arrest on Thursday (8/6) stemmed from a commotion at the Immigration Office of the Skouw State Border Post (PLBN).

"The commotion was triggered by the presence of people who were not willing to follow the applicable examination procedures, one of which was by not bringing complete documents and forcing them to pass through the Papua New Guinea area," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 9.

Furthermore, personnel from the Indonesian Pamtas Task Force-PNG Infantry Battalion 132/BS namely Praka Yayan, Pratu Agum and Prada Munthe who were on duty at the PLBN Skouw office came to the location with the intention of resolving the commotion but the situation was getting hotter because the community was not cooperative with the officers.

"This made the Task Force personnel even more suspicious and after receiving information from various parties, finally Yusak Pakage was secured by our members," he said.

When secured, Yusak Pakage fought back so that the commotion occurred again. But in the end it was successfully secured and taken to the Muara Tami Post.

"When the examination was carried out, information was obtained that Yusak Pakage was about to pass to Vanimo in PNG but did not bring official documents and immigration officials forbade him to pass," he said again.

"We have handed over Yusak Pakage to the Muara Tami Police for further investigation," he said.

The RI-PNG Pamtas Task Force Battalion 132/BS suspects that Yusak Pakage plans to cross the border to PNG in order to attend the ULMWP (United Liberation Movement for West Papua) event.