SOE Employees In Banjarmasin Have Collected Assembled Guns Since 5 Years Ago, Purchased Through Online Stores

South Kalimantan Police ensnared TS (29), a suspect in possession of a number of illegal firearms (senpi) and hundreds of rounds of ammunition under the suspicion of Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 which carries a death penalty or life imprisonment or a maximum of twenty years."Of course there are severe criminal sanctions from the suspect's actions because not just anyone can have it considering it is very dangerous if it is misused," said South Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Andi Rian R Djajadi in Banjarmasin, Antara, Thursday, June 8.From the examination, the suspect who worked as an employee at a state-owned company in Banjarmasin admitted that he received a homemade rifle from the buying and selling process, including shopping through the online market.The reason is that he departed from hobbies to collect various military equipment such as senpi and replicas since five years ago."So the perpetrator has never used it for other things, such as criminal acts, he is also not involved in terrorist networks or the like," explained Andi.From the case that was revealed, Andi hopes that no more people will do the same thing even though on the grounds that it is just a hobby or collection.Then the South Kalimantan Police have also coordinated with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police regarding the findings of the fact that the perpetrators used the Tokopedia online shopping platform in senpi transactions.The Regional Police asked Bareskrim to coordinate with the relevant ministries authorized to make corrections so that online shopping platforms do not serve the sale and purchase of goodsprohibited or unlawful.It is known that TS was arrested after the findings of an airsoft gun without a magazine that was planned to be sent to Surabaya via cargo at Syamsudin Noor International Airport, Banjarbaru City, Sunday, June 4.Members of the Barbaric Tigers of the Liang Anggang Police, assisted by the Banjarbaru Police and the Special Team of the General Criminal Investigation Directorate and the Directorate of Intelligence and Security at the South Kalimantan Police, conducted a search of their house in Manap Tengah Village, Banjar Regency, found one S&W Kaliber 38 Sp and five rounds of ammunition.Then in a house in Semangat Dalam Village, Alalak District, Barito Kuala Regency, another M4 long-barreled weapon was found along with other onderdils in the form of lubricants, gestuks and gasblocks as well as hundreds of ammunition and three magazines including one bullet and shell-proof vest.Furthermore, one bazoka was obtained for anti-tank rocket launchers, one 30 milli caliber ammunition and five 556 caliber ammunition casings at the Pelindo Banjarmasin office where the perpetrator worked as an employee of PT Pelindo Daya Sejahtera.
The case, which was initially handled by the Banjarbaru Police, was then taken over by the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police because the findings of evidence included the crime scene (TKP) across districts or cities.