Askrindo Issues TJSL Book 'Building Indonesia's Golden Generation'
JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Kredit Indonesia or Askrindo issued a book On Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) entitled Building Indonesia's Golden Generation" as a form of the company's commitment to help build a golden generation in the future.
The book launch was carried out directly by Askrindo President Director Priyastomo and Assistant Deputy for TJSL of the Ministry of SOEs Edi Eko Cahyono in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 6.
"Askrindo is one of the most active SOEs in moving its TJSL program, with the presence of this book expected to be the beginning of the TJSL program, which can be more sustainable or further increased," said Edi Eko Cahyanto in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 7.
The Ministry of SOEs itself has made major changes to the TJSL orientation. Edi said that TJSL is expected to be able to be in line with government programs that see the world's problems.
Askrindo's President Director, Priyastomo, said that the book "Building the Indonesian Golden Generation" is Askrindo's real commitment to Indonesia, which has carried out several TJSL activities programs, including improving PAUD teachers' competence, awarding PAUD teachers, especially in 3T areas.
Priyastomo said improving the quality of early childhood development has become a world commitment. The Early Childhood Development Agenda has been included in the UN agenda through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
"Askrindo as one of the SOEs plays a role in supporting the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by presenting programs that are in accordance with TPB No. 4 namely Quality Education," he explained.
Priyastomo added that the launch of the book is also a strong message that efforts to present quality PAUD must be pursued with all the energy we can provide.
"In addition to being the main pillar of character formation, PAUD is also an important investment in preparing quality Indonesian human resources," he explained.
In the launch of the TJSL Book, there was also a Talkshow 'Building the Indonesian Golden Generation, Askrindo's Real Commitment to Indonesia' attended by the Director of Compliance, HR, Risk Management of PT Askrindo Kun Wahyu Wardana, Assistant Deputy for TJSL of the Ministry of SOEs, Santi Ambarukmi Director of PAUD and Community Education Edi Eko Cahyono, Director of PAUD Institute Lia Latifah, Heroic 2022 Sri Tukini with Moderator Maman Suherman who is also the Author of the Book and Media & Creative Consultant.