Mahfud MD Ensures That The Difference In Calculation Of Obligor Debt Is Completed By The BLBI Task Force At The End Of 2023
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD conveyed that the difference in the calculation of state money borrowed by obligors or debtors of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) would be resolved by the BLBI Task Force.
Mahfud assessed that currently there are still several obligors who have not paid their debts because they have different loan calculations from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) and with the BLBI Task Force.
"Until the end of this year we will complete the calculation difference because many came differently to calculate it, for example we said Rp5 trillion, he (the obligor) said Rp3 trillion. He has proof of whose calculation, and we have proof of signature at the Office of the Minister of Finance, there is more evidence that is different from BPK's calculation evidence," said Mahfud MD when giving a speech at the Ex-BLBI Asset Handover Event in Jakarta, Tuesday, June 6, confiscated by Antara.
Mahfud MD, who is also the Chair of the Steering Committee of the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI Task Force), explained that this problem often hinders debt collection.
"We'll finish it later, because so far it's been delayed a lot because of this, and it concerns a very wide asset," he said.
However, Mahfud said that the problem could be resolved immediately.
"It's not too difficult to find compromise," he said.
Mahfud MD added, the BLBI Task Force from starting work from June 2021 to May 2023 managed to return nearly 30 percent of the state money borrowed by BLBI obligors/debtors.
"Since the BLBI Task Force was effective in operating in 2021 until now, the Task Force's acquisition has reached Rp30,659,140,833,166 (Rp30.66 trillion)," said Mahfud MD.
In detail, he continued, Rp1.1 trillion in cash (PNBP to the state treasury), confiscation and delivery of other collateral items and the delivery of asset guarantees of 1,784.34 hectares with an estimated value of Rp14.77 trillion, physical control of property assets covering an area of 1,862.91 hectares whose estimated value is equivalent to Rp9.278 trillion.
Then, the handover of assets to ministries/agencies (K/L) and regional governments covering an area of 278.6 hectares with an estimated value of IDR 3.07 trillion, and non-cash state capital participation (PMN) of 54 hectares with an estimated value of IDR 2.49 trillion.
According to Mahfud, this achievement was an extraordinary achievement of the BLBI Task Force because when it was about to be formed there was a lot of pessimism that people around him said that collecting state money from obligors/debtors was not an easy matter.
"In my opinion, the achievement of the BLBI Task Force as above is extraordinary because there is only 10 percent pessimistic. We have now received almost 30 percent with the remaining time of the next 6 months," said Mahfud MD.
The BLBI Task Force is on duty after the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo signed Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 6 of 2021 concerning the Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) funds.
In the Presidential Decree, the BLBI Task Force ended on December 31, 2023.
However, Mahfud gave a signal that the BLBI Task Force's tenure could be extended considering the achievements that were obtained over a period of approximately 2 years.